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★Corporate culture concept:

Be honest and do things faithfully

★Business management concept:

Standardized operation, humanized management

★Create life for customers:

Provide high-quality products and satisfactory services to make life more colorful

★Create value for society:

Serving the society, creating a civilized and progressive way to fully realize the company’s social value

★Create opportunities for employees:

Create development space, enhance employee value, and reflect a sense of accomplishment

★Create returns for shareholders:

Repay shareholders with sustainable development of the company


Products Recommended

The main products of our factory: side blower, ring blower, compound air-conditioning unit, textile dust removal equipment and various air-conditioning components


Contact us

Address: No. 12, Tianjin Road, Economic Development Zone, Xinyi City, Jiangsu Province

Phone: +86-0516-88865398

Mobile: +86-138-0522-5976

Fax: +86-0516-88865398

Email: xfkt2007@163.com

Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved XuZhou XinFeng Air Conditioner Co.